Living Hum (vol. 5, no. 9)

Here are a few things I’m sharing this month:

1. Question:

  • “The approach of a man’s life out of the past is history, and the approach of time out of the future is mystery. Their meeting is the present, and it is consciousness, the only time life is alive. The endless wonder of this meeting, in its inward liberty of a frozen morning, to turn back and question and remember. The world is full of places. Why is it that I am here?” – Wendell Berry (The Long-Legged House)

2. Quote:

  • “What I see ‘out there’ is no different from what I feel inside. There is a living hum that might be coming from my neurons but might just as well be coming from the furnace of the stars. When I look up at them there is a small commotion in my bones, as the ashes of dead stars that house my marrow rise up like metal filings toward the magnet of their living skin.” ― Barbara Brown Taylor (The Luminous Web)

3. Poem:

Excerpt from Hag Riding by Lucille Clifton:

but when i wake to the heat of morning
galloping down the highway of my life
something hopeful rises in me
rises and runs me out into the road
and i lob my fierce thigh high
over the rump of the day and honey
i ride      i ride

4. Something inspiring:

  • This will truly make your day: “Something super-magical happens when people sing collectively in harmony. We don’t do it very much any more. Musical genius Jacob Collier is trying to change that with his audience choirs—the audience sings, in harmony, without practice. It can be profoundly beautiful. As example, listen to this concert at the Kennedy Center that begins with an Irish ballad.” – KK from Recomendo

5. New Blogs in my “Football is ________” series:

  • Football is Sean Argo: “Sean had died in a tragic accident. He was a senior. He was our captain, our middle linebacker. He was carrying a gun on a Saturday night. He tripped and fell. The gun went off.”
  • Football is Bond-Lines: “Players carry pieces of those who came before them, even if they never directly interacted—bond-lines link everyone along a common understanding of how we, at Taylor, at Earlham, at any school, play this game.”
  • Football is “The Look”: “These boundaries—real and imagined—shaped our identity, as those within the city’s embrace didn’t always welcome us. Just a half-hour drive away, we were sometimes made to feel like we had just arrived from the hinterlands.”
  • Football is Cussing?: “Now, nineteen boys circle around like it’s a schoolyard showdown. The air is thick with “Fight Club” energy—raw, visceral, violent. They’re raucously cheering as one by one their brothers step forward to face the sled.”

Thanks so much. And, have a great day! – shawn
