Football is Scout Team

This is an open letter to those who give everything—who never miss practice, hustle through every drill, always touch the line during sprints, and never miss their scout team reps. It’s for those who face the starters day after day, taking hits, shoves, and blows from teammates bigger, faster, and stronger than them. It’s for those who take blocks that leave them flat on their faces, yet rise again. And it’s for those who, despite all the sacrifice—the pain, the bruises, and busted fingers—may still not see the field come game day.

You need to know three things:

1. Your name rings out in honor among us coaches.

We’ve played with kids like you. Some of us were kids like you. And let me tell you, we love kids like you.

Your hustle.

Your attitude.

Your relentless enthusiasm.

Your refusal to back down.

If you ever see a smile on our faces after you’ve been planted in the dirt, it’s because you remind us of the human spirit—the part of us that refuses to give up. We are rooting for you. You are the essence of determination. When insurmountable forces align against you, you have a choice: walk away or face them. And every time, you face them. Again and again and again.

It’s so damn inspiring!

In those moments, we think: When we face, or did face similar challenges, will we—or did we—do the same? Could we?

2. Without you, there is no first team, no us.

You set the tone. You may not hear it from them, but the first team sees you busting your ass play after play. Sometimes, those with natural talent, don’t want to be tested. They seek comfort in their gifts and avoid being pushed. But you—oh, you—know no other way.

You go 100%

All in.

Every day.

Every practice.

That’s just your way.

When you ask more of yourself, (like you always do), you ask more from them: more intensity, more enthusiasm, more commitment.

And sometimes, that relentless effort makes our starters uncomfortable. They may shove you around, mock you, take cheap shots, and even make fun of you. It’s not because you’re doing anything wrong—it’s because they don’t want to be reminded of what they’re not willing to give. They want you to quit because, on that day, their lazy side has won.

But not you.

Lazy has no home in you.

You killed lazy a long time ago.

You show up every day with your lunch pail and coffee thermos, ready to work.

That’s your way.

And deep down, some of them wish they had that kind of furnace burning inside them. They wish they could pair their natural gifts with your love of the grind. Because if they did, if they married that work ethic with their talent, the heights they could reach in this game would be limitless.

3. Your heights are higher than football.

I’m sure you hear “You’re not enough” more than you care to—whether spoken aloud or implied after someone knocks you back on your heels for the fiftieth time.

“You’re not athletic enough. Not fast enough. Not big enough.”

That’s a lot of “You’re not enough.”

But that only applies to football.

While football is an incredible arena, let’s keep it in perspective.

At the end of the day, what are we doing? We’re throwing, kicking, running, catching, and recovering an oblong ball, trying to cross a white line more times than our opponents—who are trying just as hard to stop us.

And I know there are days you question it: Why am I doing this? What is my worth? Why don’t my efforts result in playing time? Should I stay?


I don’t know where your heights will take you.

Maybe they won’t be in football.

Maybe they reach far beyond this field.

Your path may lead elsewhere, but one thing is certain: You’re standing on the cusp of something great—something glorious. You’re just at the beginning of your journey.

And here’s where this game can assist you.

The journey ahead is long and shrouded in uncertainty. There’s no clear path—if there were, it wouldn’t be yours. You’ll have to machete your way through the tangles of doubt and darkness. Along the way, your fears will be watching, waiting for you to falter and take the comfortable route.

Are you qualified for what’s ahead?

Do you have the stamina to stay the course?

And, here is where this game can assist you.

It prepares you for what’s ahead.

The preparation you’re getting right here, right now, alongside us, will give you the strength, the mettle to achieve what you’re destined to do.

Because one day, you’re going to marry that relentless work ethic to your true purpose. And when that happens—when the two come together—something amazing is going to happen. Something awe-inspiring.

One day, we’ll be scrolling through our phones. We’ll see something—a headline, a picture, a story—and pause. With our finger hovering, we’ll nudge the person next to us and say, “I coached that kid in high school.”

With an ever-widening smile, we’ll add, “He has the heart of a lion.”


This post is part of my latest book project titled: “Football is _______”

Every two weeks, I’ll fill in the above blank with a word or phrase and tell a story. I’ll do that for 52 weeks and then compile the posts into a book of essays.

I’d love for you to join me on this journey and share your thoughts or stories along the way. If you enjoyed this post, please consider sharing it with others who might appreciate it as well.

Stay tuned for future updates on instagram (@blucollarprof).

Read previous posts in this series.

Thanks for reading! – shawn
